Thursday, September 12, 2013

If You're Never Wrong, You're Right About Not Being Creative!

 Are you one of the millions of Americans who think they're always right and never wrong?  Or, maybe you know you're wrong but you won't admit it because let's face it, we all hate to be wrong.  Honestly I admit I like to think I'm right majority of the time.  Lately I've been trying to change that because I've realized by having that type of attitude, we are only holding ourselves back!

If you're willing to take risks knowing you could be wrong then your creativity becomes endless.  You'll invite all the possibilities of being wrong into your mind.  From those possibilities you'll start creating these crazy reasons on how or why you'll succeed.  Although you know majority of the time you will be wrong, when you're right, you'll feel like a genius!  Your creative juices will start pumping like adrenaline once you throw out all your worries about being wrong.  To prove this we will use that oh so infamous question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?!"  It's a question that anybody could be right or anybody could be wrong, it all depends how you debate it!  My brother and I have been fighting about this for many years now.  I believe the chicken came first, he believes otherwise. 
The chicken comes first because without chickens there is no egg.  He likes to argue vice versa, that there would be no chickens  without an egg since they hatch from them.  If you think about it, there would be nothing to hatch from if the egg wasn't created in the first place right?  So how are eggs made?  Eggs are made when chickens mate, therefore eggs cannot be created without chickens mating.  Those are only a couple of my rational reasoning.  I have come up with some pretty crazy ones though, like chickens are actually mini dinosaurs!  Even though scientists have claimed to have solve the mystery, everyone is still arguing about it!  I've heard some pretty creative theories ranging from aliens, to dinosaurs, to religious beliefs, and you can really only come up with these theories if you're not afraid to be wrong.  What team are you on, team chicken or team egg? 

We need to change our attitudes to where we will attempt to do something even when the statistics show there will be a 100% failure.  I know exercising that in culinary is probably the worst idea ever, but people do it anyway because they aren't afraid of failure.  For example, you would think bacon and ice cream shouldn't be put together because that just sounds weird!  It's really hard to imagine what bacon and ice cream would taste like together, you'd just have to try it.  You would probably imagine it to taste horrible, but the truth is, according to many people, it actually tastes amazing!  Ben&Jerry's is a well known ice cream brand that experiments with many different flavors.  They also have a bacon flavored ice cream but they didn't stop there, check out their different flavors!  It doesn't even have to be mixing ingredients either, have you ever heard of deep fried ice cream?  Everything we know in our head tells us that when ice cream is dropped into HOT oil it will melt instantly.  So why would someone ever try to deep fry ice cream?!  Well for whatever reason they did, everyone is thankful because it's definitely delicious.  And who would have ever thought that french fries and ice cream would taste so good together?  Whoever thought of that idea, thank you, that's my ultimate cure for a bad day!  

Even when you are wrong and end up with a failure, come up with a different plan and try again.  If you keep trying you haven't really failed yet and you'll eventually succeed.  Don't believe me? Well how else do you think the "trial and error" method was created? :)