Monday, November 11, 2013

Logos may soon be "NO-GOs"

Imagine you just started your own business and are trying to get your business out there.  Would you rather spend your time and money on branding your business or creating a logo?  The smarter choice is probably to put your time and money into branding rather than a logo.

Many people tend to use the terms brand/branding and logo as the same.  But truthfully they're not quite exactly the same.  A logo won't typically sell your business's product or service, but a branding will highly influence sales.  Branding has a deeper meaning than a logo because branding can tell a customer more about your business than a logo can.  A logo will always just be a picture people will remember your business by.  Almost something like using landmarks to give directions.  Some people don't even know the names of the landmarks, they'll ma
ybe say something like "take a right after the 3 hula statues".  You wouldn't want consumers to say something like "I bought it from the store who's logo is that big green monster"

With branding, something like a catch phrase, you'll be able to sell your products or services to consumers easier.  It's almost like when you're looking through the newspaper and you see an interesting article title, it makes you want to read it.  A title that doesn't catch your eye you'll just skip right past it.  Some examples of decent branding is "Like a good neighbor..." I bet you finished it and said "State Farm is there"!  This catch phrase leads you to believe that this insurance company is trustworthy and will always be there when you need them most.  That itself will help close sales on insurance plan more than their logo.  Another one that's popular is "Red Robin..." again, I bet you yelled "YUM"!  This leads you to believe their food is good (if you haven't tried it, you need to!).  Creating a brand doesn't have to be a catch phrase, it could be the materials you use like high quality or low quality.  It can be about your business' reputation and so forth.  A good example is the Apple company.  Everyone knows the Apple logo, but that's not why they buy Apple products.  People buy Apple products because they know they have long life-span, globally established, and some people just like the apps they offer for Apple products.

Don't waste your time creating a logo when it won't help sell your business.  Create a brand for your business first then create a logo around it if you'd like!